“Black Snake In Hellebores” Art Print

“Black Snake In Hellebores” art print reproduction of my original painting. I’m finally happy with how the colors have turned out!

It has taken some time and effort to get to this point. Though I’ve had some success with having other art prints created through vendors, this is the one that has led me to finally printing on my own. I got a nice scanner and printer and have been able to tweak the results in real time to get optimal results with color and detail.

Now available in my shop at sherriemillerart.com/shop.

Painting on display at Art works RVA gallery, May Juried show

“Cold Bouquet,” 24×24″, acrylic on canvas

Showing in the juried all-media show at Art Works RVA gallery. May 26th through June 16th. ✨
This painting is titled “Cold Bouquet”; 24×24” acrylic on canvas. The subject for this painting was a bouquet that I was surprised with over this past winter. I’d decided to paint it when it had started to wither. I included falling petals to capture its decline, in the spirit of memento mori, to “remember death”—in order to remember and appreciate the preciousness of life.

Please contact Art Works RVA (artworksrva.com) for more info or to buy this or other paintings in my collection at their gallery.